Requirements to play Fall Guys
Minimum requirements for Windows
Operating System: Windows 10 (64 bits)
Processor (64 bits): Intel Core i5 o equivalente AMD
Memory: 8 GB of RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 o AMD Radeon HD 7950
Red: conexión a Internet de banda ancha
Storage: 2 GB de espacio disponible
Recommended: Gamepad

Requirements to play on Android and iOS
At the moment there is no version of this game for Android and iOS devices. However, there is some good news: a company called Bilibili (yes, we like the name too) has obtained the publishing rights for a mobile version in China. The launch will be done there, but we are sure that it won’t take long to reach the rest of the world, so you will soon be able to spend hours and hours playing this addictive battle royale on your smartphone or tablet.
Requirements to play on Linux and Mac
Fall Guys does not support Linux and Mac OS. Sorry 🙁
What consoles does Fall Guys work on?
As of today, in addition to Windows-based computers, Fall Guys has been released for the PlayStation 4, where it’s causing quite a stir. However, it wouldn’t be surprising if this multiplayer videogame ends up making the jump to other consoles besides the PS4. There are already some rumors regarding the Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch.